Pastors Pen
September 2024
Typically, I craft my Visitor articles around scripture and how we are transformed by the Word of God. Recently, the Men’s Bible study group studied Psalm 46, and there is no doubt that the Holy Spirit was at work among us. This Psalm has brought comfort to countless saints throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Many of you may be familiar with the well-known portion of verse 10: “Be still and know that I am God…”. Even the most difficult circumstances are bearable when we remember in our spirit that God is literally with us. Like all scripture, this Psalm is written within the context of God’s sovereignty, His eternal vision, and understanding. We must remember that whatever is happening in our lives, whether we perceive it as bad or good, is not surprising to the LORD. Not only is He all-knowing, but the “it” in our lives has also passed through His approval.
The beauty of this Psalm lies in its overarching theme: God is in total control of everything. Even when He allows storms in our lives, the LORD is our “ever present help.” This is something to cling to when our personal lives are in turmoil. Moreover, Psalm 46 can help us remain steadfast when our country and the world descend into chaos. As Psalm 46:2 says, “Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea.” How can we not fear? “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm 46:11). I have never wavered in my faith in all situations in my personal life and as the pastor of the church. However, Nahum 1:7 and Psalm 46 have become even more precious to me since being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and, more recently, Graves’ disease. Weight loss is one issue, but it is now beginning to slightly affect my memory. This is particularly frustrating because I have always had an incredible memory and recall. But the most challenging aspect has been dealing with anger. Some of you are aware of my journey with anger and know that in 2006 I had a significant moment of reflection regarding my anger issues. From 2006 to 2024, Jesus has done incredible work in me, to the point that I very rarely get upset. No matter the situation, I am always even-tempered (90% of the time). However, I find that sometimes anger rears its ugly head because of my thyroid condition. This however, is NOT an excuse. Therefore, I will cling to Psalm 46, as I desperately need His ever-present help. Moreover, I need Jesus’ 24/7 assistance to respond in His way, rather than reacting to a comment or problem in my own way. I do not want to regress in my anger; Jesus has brought me too far. With Psalm 46, let us also find rest in Nahum 1:7: “The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of distress; He cares for those who trust in Him.” And Psalm 19:14: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Amen!
Pastor Steve